Saturday, 28 February 2015

Penang Georgetown - Jen Hotel Rotary Club of Penang General Meeting

It is a great honour again today we are begin invited to Jen Hotel for Rylarian Presentation. Tonight i leading two member toward the Rotary club of penang regular meeting. Both of they had to presented what they had learn on the 4 day 3 night toward our sponsoring mother club. Everything is running smoothly.

Around Jen Hotel Rotary General Meeting 

Around Jen Hotel Rotary General Meeting 

Around Jen Hotel Rotary General Meeting 

Around Jen Hotel Rotary General Meeting 

Around Jen Hotel Rotary General Meeting 

Around Jen Hotel Rotary General Meeting 

Around Jen Hotel Rotary General Meeting 

Around Jen Hotel Rotary General Meeting 

Around Jen Hotel Rotary General Meeting 

Around Jen Hotel Rotary General Meeting 

My turn to give the speech :) 

Operation Hours : 08:30pm - 10:30pm
Location : Jen Hotel, Georgetown 

Friday, 27 February 2015

Penang Georgetown - Acheen Street Rotaract Club of Penang Annual General Meeting

Today it is the annual general meeting for Rotaract Club of Penang in rotary year 2014/2015. We will be electing the new president for rotary term 2015/2016. To make this ceremoy as casual as we can we organising another pot luck session for all our guest and member. It is kinda fund as we celebrating Chinese New Year "Luo Shan" in this meeting too :) Congratulation to the new president elect and would like to thank to all food sponsor from the member who bring food.

This is us :) The Backbone of Rotaract Club of Penang

Around Acheen Street Rotaract Club of Penang Annual General Meeting

 Around Acheen Street Rotaract Club of Penang Annual General Meeting

Around Acheen Street Rotaract Club of Penang Annual General Meeting

The President elect is on her speech

Event Time : 13:00 - 15:00 (27 Feb 2015)
Location : Rotary Youth Center Penang

Penang Georgetown - Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant is one of the low profile Nyoya cuisine restaurant you can find at Georgeotwn Penang. This is also the very first time where dear and me visited to their mansion. The Owner we call "Baba" do demonstrate how he use the cheaper raw material to cook the most aesthetic dish to the crowd. Although this meal is not cheap.... but it is totally worthy to try as you can enjoy a good food plus in addition you can understand more about Baba & Nyoya Culture. The utile and the table and desk you use is purely from the Baba & Nyoya generation pass down. Dear and me had quote this Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine restaurant as MUST TRY restaurant in Penang Island.
Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Around Little Kitchen at Nyoya Cuisine Restaurant

Operation Hours : 10:00 - 22:00 (Open Daily)
Location : 179, Lebuh Noordin George Town
Contact : +604 261 6731