Sunday, 6 January 2008

Penang Ayer Itam - Penang Hill Suspension Bridge

Penang Hill is one of the tourist spot &historical places on Penang Island. Dear and me love to visit this place to grab some fresh air from nature environment. Thank to local authorises for maintaining the trekking road, therefore all of us can trek freely here. 45 minute walk from the upper hill station you will reach the famous Suspension Bridge. ^^ They claim this suspension bridge is the higher begin build in Malaysia.

A challenge had been taken by Dear and me see awesome will it been. Trust us the hilly here is marvelous. A MUST VISIT attraction at Penang Hill.  

Check out the Suspension bridge which connected from tree to tree.
(Cost RM 15.00 per adult is being charge) 

Haha you see my dear is sitting on the Suspension bridge ^^ no fear on her faces ^^

Dear and me taking the photo after the suspension bridge challenge !!!

Operation Hours : 09:00 - 18:00 (Closed on Raining days)
Location             : 45 minute walks from the upper station 

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