Thursday, 12 December 2013

Penang Relau - Coffee Shop

Today dear and me run out of ideal where to explore our's new food plan. Well I was drove around Relau and found this Malays Nasi Lemak economic rice stall was having a huge crowd surrounding.... immediately dear and me stop our's car and walk by ^^ Well there is a roll of coffee shop besides the stall.... that is sufficient places for you to enjoy the economic rice..... Self service was implemented here. Overall i would said this stall had offer variety of food to let you to choose it. Dear and me feel that some of the food taste was nice but some was just talk normal...... you can try on if you would like to give a try.  

Around the Coffee Shop 

Around the Coffee Shop 

Dear dear ^^ 

This is the Malays Stall

This is Our's Nasi Lemak ^^ Total Cost RM 10.50

Around the Coffee Shop 

Around the Coffee Shop 

Operation Hours : 18:00 - 21:00 (Closed on Sunday)
Location             : Relau, Bayan Lepas

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