Monday, 27 January 2014

Penang Jelutong - Cameron Highland Cafe "蝦中蝦"

Today dear and me was having another try new food stall try up at Jelutong Area..... We always got the thought to find the Cheaper and the nice food at Town. ^^ Dear and me had listed this stall in our's must try list as previous we saw the stall was kinda welcome by the Local. Well As usual dear and me order the commercial dish to make the apple to apple comparison between the food quality. 

Overall we only pay RM 24 for 3 dish and two rice. well the taste was kinda great ^^ Well if you came over the Cameron Highland Cafe you will see 10 out of 6 table people was order the food from this "蝦中蝦" stall. ^^ Must try if you are home Cooking lover like us ^^
"蝦中蝦" Stall was hiding behind of the Cafe

The sour Chicken RM 8.00 ^^

Fried Prawn Egg Cost RM 6.00 

The Home Made Taufu Rm 8.00

Around  Cameron Highland Cafe "蝦中蝦"

Around  Cameron Highland Cafe "蝦中蝦"

Around  Cameron Highland Cafe "蝦中蝦"

Operation Hours : 18:00 - 22:00 (Open Daily)
Location             : Cameron Hingland Cafe

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