Monday, 31 March 2014

Penang Batu Ferrigghi - Lone Pine Hotel The Bungalow Cafe

It was My Birthday today.... Dear had make the arrangement for me at Lone Pine Hotel for Buffet Dinner without my notice ^^ This was a beautiful Hotel which can be found on northern Part of Penang. Photo tell a thousand word ^^ But the bungalow Cafe food serious need alots improvement..... Food Variety was really less..... One of the Banana Fried Was really good but other food just normal ^^ The theme of the Night was Malaysia Food. 

Serious got to Thank you dear ~~~For all the arrangement and surprise that had be done by her. Love her so much ^^ Thank you again dear!!!!  

Around Lone Pine Hotel 

Around Lone Pine Hotel

Around Lone Pine Hotel

Around Lone Pine Hotel

Around Lone Pine Hotel

Around Lone Pine Hotel (This is Nice)

Around Lone Pine Hotel

Around Lone Pine Hotel

On our's way toward the Bungalow Cafe

Dear ^^ 

Around Lone Pine Hotel

Around The Bungalow Cafe

Around The Bungalow Cafe

Around The Bungalow Cafe

Around The Bungalow Cafe

Around The Bungalow Cafe

Around The Bungalow Cafe

Around The Bungalow Cafe

Around The Bungalow Cafe

Around The Bungalow Cafe

Around The Bungalow Cafe

Around The Bungalow Cafe

Around The Bungalow Cafe

Around The Bungalow Cafe

Dear ^^

She was testing the food ^^ 

View From the Bungalow Cafe

Around The Bungalow Cafe

Around The Bungalow Cafe

Dear and me ^^ 

Thank you Dear ^^ 

Operation Hours : 11:00 - 23:00 (Open Daily)
Location            : The Bungalow Cafe, Lone Pine Hotel
Contact             :

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