Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Penang Sungai Nibong - Lip Sin Garden Relau Seafood Cafe

Today Dear and me was planning for find the cheapest Chu Char that appear on Penang Island. Well we was patrolling around Sungai Nibong Area... and Out of sudden we found a Chu Char stall which hidding behind the bus station inside the Lip Sin Garden. The Name of the stall Relau Seafood Cafe.... But this was a open air Street Stall. As i said before... This was always the beauty of Penang Island as you can get all kind of nice food along the street. 

This Relau Seafood Cafe serve the commercial Chu Char food that you could get it other stall... Well their food menu was write down and lifted right in front of the stall. Tonight dear and me was order a few commercial dish to try up the taste. In total we only spend RM 18.00 for overall dinner ^^

Around Relau Seafood Cafe

Around Relau Seafood Cafe

Around Relau Seafood Cafe

Around Relau Seafood Cafe

Relau Seafood Cafe Sizzling TauFu, Kang kong & Fried Eggs

Operation Hours :  17:00 - 22:00 (Closed on Monday)
Location             :  Roadside of Lenkok Nipah, Taman Lip Sin

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