Tuesday, 30 December 2014

(Day 7) South Korea Seoul - Everland Resort Africa Park

Dear and me continue our visitation around Everland Resort. Based on the map dear and me is visiting the Africa Park. There is a few of Africa animal had been allocated inside this park. Due too it is winter season... most of this animal is in sleeping mode. 

Around Everland Resort Africa Park 

Around Everland Resort Africa Park 

Around Everland Resort Africa Park 

Around Everland Resort Africa Park 

Around Everland Resort Africa Park 

Around Everland Resort Africa Park 

Around Everland Resort Africa Park 

Around Everland Resort Africa Park 

Around Everland Resort Africa Park 

Around Everland Resort Africa Park 

Around Everland Resort Africa Park 

Around Everland Resort Africa Park 

Around Everland Resort Africa Park 

Around Everland Resort Africa Park 

7D Philippine dry manggo product is sold here LoL

Around Everland Resort Africa Park 

Around Everland Resort Africa Park 

Around Everland Resort Africa Park 

Around Everland Resort Africa Park 

Around Everland Resort Africa Park 

Around Everland Resort Africa Park 

Around Everland Resort Africa Park 

Around Everland Resort Africa Park 

Around Everland Resort Africa Park 

 Around Everland Resort Africa Park 

Operation Hours : 10:00 - 23:00 (Open Daily) 
Location : 199 Everland-ro, Pogong-eup, Cheoin-gu, Yonggi-si, Gyeonggi-do South Korea 
Contact : https://everland.com/web/multi/english/everland/everland_guide/ticket/Tickets_and_Coupons.html

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