Friday, 26 December 2014

(Day 3) South Korea Jeju Island - Jeju Auto House Collecting our left handle car

Finally we dear and me had reach the Jeju Auto House Car renting centre. It is huge and the waiting area is kind of comfortable. The front control personnel here speck mandarin and English very well. Dear and me had book the Kia Morning (it is a small car like Perodua Myvi in Malaysia) because we had make few research found out this is the most energy saving car you can rent in Jeju-Dong. Car colour is in red the most cool thing we had here is this car is left handed where i never drive before in my life beside the "Bump Bump car in Theme park". 

We drove this car for 3 day 2 night and we only refill one time car petrol even though we drove round the island for 2 round (I guess ahaha). When we are on the road dear feel very uncomfortable as she said she sitting at driver sit (Because all the car we drove in Malaysia and Singapore is Right handed) but no need her to drive the car also can move. Driving with Left handed car is so new and luckily i can use to it after 5 minute on driving it.  

Around Jeju Auto House Collecting our left handle car

Around Jeju Auto House Collecting our left handle car

Around Jeju Auto House Collecting our left handle car

Around Jeju Auto House Collecting our left handle car

Helo Kia Morning :) 

Around Jeju Auto House Collecting our left handle car

Around Jeju Auto House Collecting our left handle car

Around Jeju Auto House Collecting our left handle car

Around Jeju Auto House Collecting our left handle car

Around Jeju Auto House Collecting our left handle car

Around Jeju Auto House Collecting our left handle car

Dear said she was not so use to it... as she said sitting at the driver sit but the car move by himself

Operation Hours : 08:00 - 19:00 (Open Daily)
Location : 870-4 Yongdami-dong, Jeju-si, Jeju-dong, South Korea 
Contact : +82 64751 8000 (

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