Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Penang Georgetown Rangoon Road - Chinese Medication Hebal Tea Stall "苦茶"

Since study in Uni... i had became the regular customer for this Chinese Medication Herbal Tea Stall "苦茶". Sometime it will became crowded surrounding this stall at the late evening. You can actually requested for "double shot = mean 2 bottle of chinese medicine powder" or "single shot = mean a single bottle of chinese medicine". Per glass of Chinese medication herbal tea is RM 2.20. This is for internal cooling for our body. You can ask for sweet "Mean the chrysanthemum herbal tea usual taste sweet" after the bitterness of the medication herbal tea (they will provide you quarter of the glass for FOC). It is a raining night, that why you cannot see crowd.    

Chinese Medication Herbal Tea Stall "苦茶"

Operation Hour   : 16:00 - 00:00 (Open daily unless no one can replace the uncle)
Location             : Entrance of Rangoon Road (on your left hand)

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