Saturday, 24 October 2015

Singapore Woodland MRT - Causeway Point Mall Ananas Cafe

Ananas cafe is the first cafe we saw in Kranjit MRT station which offering very low price for food. Today we saw they having another branches at Woodland MRT station and it is kinda crowded. Without any further thinking dear and me join the queue and plan to try up their food. It is kinda weird as there is 4 combination stall join together function as one. To avoid you standing in the wrong queue order the wrong food... you had to pay attention on their small hand writing board. Dear and me had order the $2.20 Chicken rice & $ 4.00 supe big portion Char Koay Teow. Well the food taste average but the Chicken rice taste kind of good if you do not border mush on their food presentation. 

Around Causeway Point Mall Anas Cafe

The super big portion Char Koay Teow

$ 2.20 Chicken rice 

Operation Hours : 08:00 - 22:00 (Open Daily)
Location : Woodland MRT
Contact :

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