Happy New Year 2021. Had been a while Jimmy & Alice saying hi with you guys from here. We are so surprise our content still often visit by people until today. We would like to said and huge thanking to our follower and thank for your email with your kind word to us. We are good and we had build up our little family :) Although there is a lots lost and found in our life but most importantly we are making progress day to day.
For this blog, we will folks our at least once a week to make an update. This is our 2021 resolution after a long break we had put since 2018. (It is a long 4 year break from here).
Currently, Alice and me continue our lovely life in Singapore. Life had been up and down in pass 4 year. Our biggest achievement so far was Alice's had marriage to me and giving birth to a very cute baby boy during the pandemic year 2020. I really hope all of you out there stay safe and sound with your family and friend. Life is a gift which we do think wasting is wise.
If you would like to follow us in this blog, you are more then welcome. Else you can follow our #hashtag in Facebook/Instagram for our private life, food hunting & our parenthood journey :-
For food hunting : #jafoodhunt
For our personal life : #jajourney06
For our parenthood journey : #japarenthoodjourney
Let update a bit what had going on us in pass few year with short time stamp, We will use throwback matter to tell more story when time allow :-
2017 : The life even on 2017 was i had successfully make my wedding proposal to my love Alice. We had surprise visit by our family member at the scene during this important moment. At the same year we had our prewedding photo shoot at Hong Kong. It is also our "Indonesia" visit year for us as we had visited Pulau Batam, Pulau Bintang, Lombok and also we had successfully make our feet with 3 day 3 night advantageous trip (with minimum head light due to some reason that we will tell more on next blog) to Mount Rijani, Lombok. We end the wonderful year at Kanto, Japan for new year count down. Stay tune on our sharing.
2018 : A year we decided to focus all our resources on "FAMILY"only. The year we on the plane the most Average every 5 day we will need to rush to Changi Airport to catch our plane to business trip or back our lovely hometown to spend time with our family. Hence, this is part of the reason why we had decided to temporarily stop blogging our life here. It was a wonderful year as we great achievement in our career but we had loss our lovely sister Cindy. I still can remember there is wonderful Tuesday, but i receive a call telling our sister Cindy had met a fatal accident at Penang hometown while she on her routine route to her work at Tanjung Bungah. A road accident had bring the life separation away from her with us. Today had mark her away for 2 year 286 day. I still can feel the pain that no word can describe under today. We will purposely blog a page for Cindy when we available. Although, there is big and small incident happened during this year, we do make some business trip Northern India where we had witness with our on eyes on 7 wonder of the world Taj Mahal and a lots more thing in New Dehli, Agra, Jarpur, Rajasthan we want to share with you. A year my Car Kia Cerato hit 88,888KM :) A year i queue infront Dyson shop at Orchard road Singapore from morning 5.30am on Christmas day to surprise gift to my wife to be Alice a full set of Airwrap.
2019 : A year to remember where Alice and me decided to tight our knot at Penang Royale Chulan Hotel, at the same night we done our ROM with more then 500 guess and witness. We would like to thank all of you who had make your effort to attend the wonderful night. A year Alice and make our first official travel trip to Republic of China, Shanghai, Hang Zhou, Su zhou, wu xi and more. Indonesia ? Yes, we had our trip to a place call Palembang at Indonesia beside that we had travel to East Jawa Mount Ijen for blue fire, Mount Bromo for the volcano visitation, Seruni Sunrise point for milky way shoot and more well know as Warung Bukit king kong/King Kong Hill breathtaking sunrise shot . A lots of you had leave us message asking where Jimmy and alice will go for honey moon. Here is the answer, we had make our honeymoon to Eastern Europe (Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungry, Austria) and we purpose make trip to meet late Uncle Hong's Family who leave in Nurembreg, Germany. He pass away during December 2020 which a month ago from now. We ended our trip at Hatyai Thailand which dear and me plan back to point zero of our overseas journey and give a detail trip and also review back our memory lane.
2020 : A year full of hope for Malaysian with quote we learn from school "Wawasan 2020" but ended with the remarkable pandemic which cause country border to closed. This is also the year dear and me had most least travel by plane experience (We only travel with plane 12 time during Jan & Feb) right before the country border closed. A trip to Bali, Indonesia had been cancel due to the hit of pandemic. For many of us year 2020 may be not a good year, but for Alice and me we had quote this year as a year of marvelous. As mention earlier, Alice had bravely giving birth to our lovely son. A roller coaster experience we can't wait to share all of us on this blog. What we do the most this year is attended numerous parenthood webinar sharing, hypno-birthing course and also attend class to learn in practical how to handle baby. Stay tune we will share what we had learn to you here.
Above is the short summary (Look like not so short, hahaha) which we want to share with you in detail when our time allow. Please allow us to wish each of you belated Happy New Year 2021. Please stay health and safe! Stay tune to more update from us.
Once again, take to those had email or message us personal. I wish best of luck in every aspect in life !
Until then please stay safe and healthy !