2020 was not the year where most thought off. It is a year which redefine the meaning of life. I am thankful for my wife who had successfully bring this little one to our life. All this memories had been record down in picture while will become a series of interesting story for our kids.
In year of 2021, let contribute as much as we can. Be the one who make a small difference on the someone life. As you already know life is a gift and i don't intend on wasting it, make each day count
2020 我们经历了一场百年一遇的大瘟疫, 让我看见繁华的机场变成空无一人与我们拥有的安全生活是有一群人在幕后的付出。对个人来说,虽然很多计划暂时被隔着,换来的是人生的另一个阶段。谢谢上天另一种安排,除了一, 二月忙碌的赶机场赶行程,过后蔡太太却可以舒舒服服呆在家里办事和好好安心养胎。