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Thursday, 2 January 2014

(Day 7) Taiwan Tainan - Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Fort Provintia "赤崁楼" is one of must visit tourist attraction in Tainan City. When dear and me arrived there is some traditional culture event begin organise by the local council. Well dear and me continue our to visit the Fort. It is originated build up by Dutch as the City hall in year 1652 when they colonial Taiwan.  Currently this fort is combination of few building such as confucius temple at north part, Sea Master temple at South part and other. There is 9 Tortoise carry with 9 tomb was eventually is the main attraction here. It record of history this tombstone is a award giving to the famous hero that successfully eliminate the riot at Tainan by the 4th Dynasty Qing Qian long Emperor.  As i mention pervious here is they location we we had more then ten minute conversation with the local uncle when we request his to assistant use for photograph. Check the last photo in this blod we begin order by him to stand straight when taking photograph Lol. 

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

Around Fort Provintia "赤崁楼"

We begin order to stand straightly by the Uncle LoL

Operation Hours : 08:30 - 22:00 (Open Daily)
Location : No. 212 Section 2 Minzu Road West Central District Tainan City 
Contact : +886 06 220 5647 (

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