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Friday 2 May 2014

(Day 3) China Hong Kong - Apliu Street flea Market "鸭寮街"

Finally dear and me had already reach the Apliu Street flea Market "鸭寮街" which located at Sham Shui Po MTR station. Apliu Street flea Market "鸭寮街" is focusing selling all kind of electronic & electrical item. It is crowded but if you had any targeting item. Apliu Street is the best places you can go. 
Around Apliu Street flea Market "鸭寮街"

Around Apliu Street flea Market "鸭寮街"

Around Apliu Street flea Market "鸭寮街"

Around Apliu Street flea Market "鸭寮街"

Around Apliu Street flea Market "鸭寮街"

Around Apliu Street flea Market "鸭寮街"

Around Apliu Street flea Market "鸭寮街"

Around Apliu Street flea Market "鸭寮街"

Around Apliu Street flea Market "鸭寮街"

Around Apliu Street flea Market "鸭寮街"

Around Apliu Street flea Market "鸭寮街"

Around Apliu Street flea Market "鸭寮街"

Around Apliu Street flea Market "鸭寮街"

Around Apliu Street flea Market "鸭寮街"

Around Apliu Street flea Market "鸭寮街"

Around Apliu Street flea Market "鸭寮街"

Around Apliu Street flea Market "鸭寮街"

Saw this TVB artist

Saw this TVB artist

Saw this TVB artist

Around Apliu Street flea Market "鸭寮街"

Around Apliu Street flea Market "鸭寮街"

Around Apliu Street flea Market "鸭寮街"

Around Apliu Street flea Market "鸭寮街"

Operation Hours : 10:00 - 23:00 (Open Daily)
Location : Sham Shui Po MTR 深水埗站

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