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Thursday 25 December 2014

(Day 2) South Korea Incheon - Heading to Sinseol Dong MRT Station "新設洞"

After doing our first shopping at Seoul Station. Dear and me is Heading to Sinseol Dong MRT Station "新設洞". Singseol Dong area "新設洞" will be the first location we will stay in Seoul City before we heading toward Jeju Island tomorrow :) We had choose Sinseol Dong "新設洞" because it is just few station away from Myeong dong and some famous street around Seoul City. From Seoul Station toward Sinseol Dong MRT it took about 20 minute journey.

Heading to Singseol Dong MRT Station "新設洞"

Heading to Singseol Dong MRT Station "新設洞"

Heading to Singseol Dong MRT Station "新設洞"

Heading to Singseol Dong MRT Station "新設洞"

Around Singseol Dong MRT Station "新設洞"

Around Singseol Dong MRT Station "新設洞"

Around Singseol Dong MRT Station "新設洞"

Around Singseol Dong MRT Station "新設洞"

Around Singseol Dong MRT Station "新設洞"

Around Singseol Dong MRT Station "新設洞"

Around Singseol Dong MRT Station "新設洞"

Operation Hours : 06:00 - 00:00 (Open Daily)
Location : Singseol Dong MRT Station "新設洞"

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